Recent Replies
∞ I don’t care that much, it would be better if it would work between OSes and I’m all in for EU making sure Apple does comply.
∞ I'm not sure that counts in Arena though, shuffler just hates me personally.
∞ Titanic 2
∞ I'd have enough money to actually buy an ipad that I wouldn't even use
∞ Vivaldi has better iOS and Android apps for sure, but yes - Brave is crypto related and Vivaldi much more open-web focused, so I thought I’d rather use Vivaldi. But their sync was really important for me and I’m not sure if it’s gonna come back this year…
∞ Tried but Vivaldi worked better and is a bit more ethical. But maybe I should try again and close eyes on ethics?
- ∞
∞ There used to be an ADHD medication called Desoxyn, but the patent expired so now there's only generics. Generic drugs just say the chemical name instead of a brand name. The chemical in Desoxyn is meth. Pharmacists lose their mind when you try to hand them a prescription that says "methamphetamine"
@jarrod crazy good for me unfortunately. I'm already using chatgpt everyday to make him do content, graphs, stuff that are shortcuts for me and now having search - that works similarly to Google - built in is crazy (good)
@aarchangl yesss
@Havn huh interesting take regarding how much goes to artist either way. Joe thing still stands though! And music quality.
Isn’t tidal the best of both worlds with great quality and pretty ok app?
@Havn I do use Spotify right now, but: it's giving money to Joe Rogan, Spotify keeps paying artists less than Apple Music does and quality of music isn't top tier (and I do have good enough stereo to listen to lossless music)
@JohnPhilpin yeah, but you can still use it with other services
@hey true, it doesn’t want to make me trust them more though
@wikiyu to analogiem, wszystkie zdjęcia ze ślubu mamy analogami:)
@Havn sure think! Thanks again for the food for thought
@Havn nice, valid point. I think you might be right! I’m not using Arc on Windows so I don’t use the same browser everywhere. Hmmm… thanks for the input, I might think about it more now 😅
@Havn lots of apps I don’t even recognise!
@gregmorris for real, great stuff!
@gregmorris these are beautiful.
@Havn thanks! I think so too, need to make it more regular thing!
@wikiyu exactly. Yesss.
@vincent thank you! It is, really, close to perfect (apart from the air quality)
@abc - this is it