“They say it’s the ‘me’ generation. It’s not. The arrogance is taught, or it was cultivated. It’s self-conscious. That’s what it is. It’s conscious of self. Social media - it’s just the market’s answer to a generation that demanded to perform, so the market said, here - perform. Perform everything to each other, all the time, for no reason. It’s prison - it’s horrific. It’s performer and audience melded together. What do we want more than to lie in our bed at the end of the day and just watch our life as a satisfied audience member. I know very little about anything. But what I do know is that if you can live your life without an audience, you should do it.” ― Bo Burnham

After a month of going to the gym I can finally see some nice changes in our bodies. Main one is that I’m not in pain anymore and I have more energy, but also I can see that my arms and legs got a bit… bigger? Anyway, love it, love the progress, gym is here to stay apparently!

I’m just a little bit tired, good tired but tired nonetheless.

With Spotify raising prices in USA (again!) I’m thinking that raise of prices in Poland is inevitable and if they raise them again I don’t think I’d like to pay for it anymore especially when it is Apple-mostly household and we do pay for Apple One with Apple Music included.

Things are getting more expensive and - finally - it is time to cut on some unnecessary subscriptions.

About last night.

Happy days.

Having a personal trainer is great but it still hurts.

There’s a pretty big thing going on right now that I can’t share yet but if we can pull this off this will be UNREAL move. Please keep fingers crossed but things are looking better than I thought!

O, this is VERY interesting.

Daylight Computer: https://daylightcomputer.com/

25th of May. The day we turned on the AC.

Took me two whole days to get my home setup up and running again. It works now!

Fucking hell, this is some kind of different shit, I have to set up everything from scratch because TWO of my backups aren’t really working. What a pain in the ass. I’m actually ditching most of the HA goodies and going back into Home.app for whatever I can. Just because it worked BETTER. It was slower - yes, but it wasn’t dying out of the blue.

Why I’ve connected new HDD to dietpi setup? Because of magic my setup just blew up, I’ve got backups, but it’s 1:30 AM and I can’t turn my lights off. Holy fuck this is my smart home nightmare.

I think I might enjoy using iPad Pro as my mobile computing device of choice but there’s no way in hell I’m buying that with my own money.

Bought myself next HDD for my Plex library. +2 TB it is.

Autistic part of me loves that I’ve bought exactly the same t-shirts. Nine of them to be exact.

Holy fuck, Microsoft Edge added live opened tabs sync and it works SO FUCKING FAST. Thanks, I’m moving to Edge immediately on my Mac and PC.

Without a story behind them I’ll try and list all of the phones I had.

  1. Siemiens C25
  2. Nokia 3310
  3. Nokia 5510
  4. Motorola C650
  5. Sony Ericsson K750
  6. Sony Ericsson P1i
  7. Moto V3
  8. HTC Dream
  9. iPhone (the OG one)
  10. Xperia Neo V
  11. HTC Desire HD
  12. iPhone 4
  13. HTC One (M7)
  14. iPhone 5
  15. iPhone 6
  16. iPhone 6s
  17. iPhone 7 Plus
  18. Google Pixel (OG)
  19. iPhone X
  20. iPhone 11 Pro
  21. iPhone 14 Plus

Crazy run.

I mean… this is one way of starting your weekend I guess?

Cola Zero Zero (without sugar and caffeine) is the best Cola and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Jonathan from Australian Survivor is better Jeff than Jeff is. I said what I said.

I don’t care about updated iPads as long as they didn’t update the mini. Justice for iPad mini, please update it to the M1 or whatever.

Dear diary, today my Sonos just blew up and I had to reconnect everything. Apart from that Aqara cameras were disappearing every couple minutes from home app but I did unfuck that as well. Today was a good day.

I know what I said about having Arc on Windows but it’s also the buggiest and slowest browser I’ve ever used.

I adore it when my Aqara camera randomly disconnects from HomeKit, forcing me to re-bind it to the system. It’s moments like these that truly make me appreciate the dependability of these cameras. Fucking hell…